
Audio forwarding

By default, the device audio output is forwarded. It is possible to capture the device microphone instead: ``` scrcpy --audio-source=mic ``` For example, to use ...

Disable Audio Forwarding in SCRCPY

SCRCPY #SNDCPY #Android #windows In this YouTube video, you will learn how to disable audio forwarding/streaming in SCRCPY.

How can I get the media sound on scrcpy to play on my computer's ...

Is it possible to say play Youtube, Spotify on scrcpy when the phone is attached to the computer via cable but play its sound on the ...

how do i turn off audio forwarding? : rscrcpy

I want the audio comes from my phone and then i can use my bluetooth earphone. i tried this scrcpy --audio-source=mic but the audio is echoing.

How to screencast with audio : rscrcpy

Scrcpy is great but when svreencasting, my audio is still coming from my phone instead of my computer. Is there a way to make sure the audio ...

Scrcpy 2.0 mirrors Android devices with audio forwarding

To get audio into the phone, the 3.5mm adapter should be able to handle that since they can handle headsets with microphones via a 3.5mm TRRS ...

SCRCPY 2.0 Update : Mirror your Phone to PC with Audio

Scrcpy 2.0 brings some new features and improvements. One of the most notable features is the audio forwarding support, which enables you to ...

Scrcpy 2.0, with audio

I am thrilled to announce the release of scrcpy 2.0. Now, you can mirror (and record) your Android 11+ devices in real-time with audio forwarded to your ...

Scrcpy 2.1 has arrived with audio

The new release is expanding this feature with an audio-only mode plus the option to choose your device microphone as the audio source.

scrcpydocaudio.md at master

Audio forwarding is supported for devices with Android 11 or higher, and it is enabled by default: For Android 12 or newer, it works out-of-the-box.


Bydefault,thedeviceaudiooutputisforwarded.Itispossibletocapturethedevicemicrophoneinstead:```scrcpy--audio-source=mic```Forexample,touse ...,SCRCPY#SNDCPY#Android#windowsInthisYouTubevideo,youwilllearnhowtodisableaudioforwarding/streaminginSCRCPY.,IsitpossibletosayplayYoutube,Spotifyonscrcpywhenthephoneisattachedtothecomputerviacablebutplayitssoundonthe ...,Iwanttheaudiocomesfrommyphoneandthen...